This trip inadvertently followed the death of a very good friend, and no better prescription could have been given for my soul!
In my room, from whose bed I could watch and hear the ocean. I could think but not ruminate about loss. I could stay in loose touch as a trustee with an attorney but not spin out of control alternately grieving and taking care of estate matters.
In addition to the beautiful scenery, for some of the visit I had yerno Don’s company (he’s the lord of the estate), until his scheduled pulled him back to the US, leaving me in the company of my daughter Sarah, whom I usually do not see enough. Copacetic.
Having given the burros quite a few photos in previous entries, I’m skipping them, howsoever cute they are, except for a video of one tailing me. Previous entries also explain the geography and community—the first delves into the bigger picture of Baja itself, along with the origin of the word “California”—with the result that photos dominate this post.
Finally, a 10-second motion picture during which I address a burro: